Book Cover
The angel preserved in the Museo Sacro Città del Vaticano originated as part of a book cover which was formed with five accessory parts in the scheme of a five-part diptych. The Vatican angel flanks - together with a second angel - a representation of Christ above the animals (Ps 91) Two horizontal parts are attached to them. The upper one shows two angels holding a clipeus with the Greek cross (crux gemmata) among them. The lower part is decorated with two representations, one featuring the Magi with Herodes, and the other featuring the Adoration of the Magi. The wing from the beginning of the 9th century belongs to a second one, we know. It is preserved at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and features Mary between John and Zachariah. The horizontal part above presents - analogous to the first wing - two angels holding a clipeus with the Greek cross (crux gemmata) among them. The part underneath shows the Birth of Christ and the Annunciation to the Shepherds. Both wings covered a Evangeliar, the so-called Codex Aureus of Lorsch, and follow probably examples of Byzantine diptychs. This book cover is attributed to the environment of Charles the Great and show his high esteem for Constantinople.