Fragments of a frieze
The two fragments of a frieze representing Joseph’s story (Gen 37 following chapters) require considerable patience on the part of the viewer because of the stereotypical nature of the postures depicted and the fact that the events are not identified. A particular obstacle is that only two fragments are preserved in the public museums of Berlin although the frieze originally contained four parts. In addition, the remaining fragments are not connected. The 12th century frieze begins with the farewell of Joseph (with a guardian angel), and continues with his capture and sale by his brothers to an Ismaelite caravan. The frieze story is interrupted at that point and resumes on the second fragment with Joseph’s instruction to fill the grain bags of his brothers, and lastly his reunion with his father. Did the frieze story come to and end here? The scene of reunion doesn’t have a framework like the one that accompanies the start of the frieze, which would suggest an unusual imbalance since the box that the frieze was taken from is assumed tohave been used to store relics or liturgical equipment and was therefore meant for public use.